Solution: 52 Instructions

Written by Jonathan

Each of the 52 sentences are pretty similar, but 2 have an additional detail referring to Alvin and Theodore. Searching up talking chipmunks and these 2 names will bring up the show Alvin and the Chipmunks, and the third chipmunk is Simon. We can group the 3 chipmunks with their attributes as follows:

Alvin is the leader, loves Brittany, and wears red. Theodore is the most gullible, loves Eleanor, and wears green. Simon is the smartest, loves Jeanette, and wears blue.

The flavortext hints at figuring out who to follow, and together with the missing character Simon, clues the children's game "Simon Says", and so we should focus on the lines only belonging to Simon. Each of the lines indicate how to position 2 hands, and can be reinterpreted as flag semaphore (clued by signal flags in the flavortext). The lines that Simon Says gives "This is Simon. ANS COMMANDS".

The answer is COMMANDS. (Alvin says "Hi, this is Alvin", and Theodore says "Hey, this is Theodore".)


52instr sol