52 Spaces
Blank spaces not included.
1. The same citadel in disarray
2. It's moved in a car, finally making sound receivers emit clock sounds
3. Dali's first painting: a small projectile
4. Michelle to Barack: Welcome in Florida's elected leaders
5. Cool in a crowded gym
6. Journey to eliminate head of enemy
7. Cry quietly "RIP"
8. Beginning half of November messed up turkey-roasting appliance
9. Killer oddly overturned deer
Unusual, not well done at all
10. Number this clue?
11. Heart-broken, it lies beneath your feet
Silly British grandmother enters old browser
Modern fitness center? Ugh
12. Endure (as a Scot) dropping out, for example, from a college qualification
Email recipient and reply fields came apart
13. Regarding the limits of pull-ups: it’s how many times you do it
14. In time, Oscar is interested
Initial secret plot preceding exciting M. Night Shyamalan film
15. Girl's final date in this place
16. Article in Athens
17. Mad race for a PC maker
Soulless things held in containers
18. After sleep, start to extend neck
19. Need to scratch proposal after the beginning
20. Take bits regularly from her losses instead
21. Aware of social issues, we embody approval
22. Desire for a win, sort of