Solution: Animals
Answer: PLAIT

Written by Jonathan

We can depict the transformation given in the flavortext as Wed + Ant -> Wanted. We need to do the same for the other words, and find the relevant animal matching.

Left Word Right Word Animal Index Extracted Letter
Cher Cheaper Ape 4 A
Unable Unbearable Bear 2 N
Reed Resealed Seal 3 S
Pie Pirate Rat 1 P
Sly Slowly Owl 5 L
France Freelance Eel 6 A
Complied Complicated Cat 6 I
Deer Debater Bat 5 T

The answer is PLAIT.

Author's Notes

This puzzle was the first puzzle to be written for Puzzle Rojak 2, and was inspired by what I saw along a street in Buffalo, NY, in mid 2021 when I visited (yes, that was before Puzzle Rojak 1). We already had the Kangaroo words puzzle then, and so this idea was shelved.
animals sol