Zebra Puzzle


1. Four people do not have the initial J: Linda, Jodi, the person who owns the fish, and the person whose age is 15.
2. Ilene is not the youngest.
3. Ilene’s age is less than 17.
4. Irene and the person whose age is 19 both have an initial in the first 5 letters of the alphabet.
5. Irene does not own a horse or a tiger.
6. Irene is not 18.
7. Linda does not own a racoon or a tiger.
8. The mice and raccoon are owned by people with initials in the last 21 letters of the alphabet.
9. The people with the initials A and B are older than 17.
10. The person who is 16 does not have the initial C or P.
11. The person who is 16 either owns a raccoon or a fish.
12. The person who owns the tiger does not have the initial A.
13. The tiger’s owner is not 19.
14. Three people do not own the horse: Paige, the person whose age is 18 and the person with the initial C.


We solved the Einstein puzzle, but can't start the next step! To start the Yin Yang puzzle, you will need to identify certain (B)lack and (W)hite cells as givens.